We think SPARX is for everyone.

The Stepping uP Against Racism and Xenophobia website was created with the input of caregivers and educators from across the country. Through these conversations we saw how people have various levels of comfort, knowledge, and confidence when it comes to talking about racism and xenophobia.

Below we highlight some of the thoughts and feelings that have been shared with us.

“So I struggle with, am I doing it right? Am I doing the right things? Because things that we used to think was okay back when my oldest who were younger, now we’ve learned that’s not correct either. So I don’t know. I just struggle. I just want to make sure it’s the right information to help me explain to her and to help her be a better person.”

– SPARX interview

Are you interested in finding resources that will help you respond to kids’ questions in age-appropriate ways?

Do you want to develop skills and knowledge to help you build confidence to start having these important conversations with the youth in your life?

Visit Our Glossary

“[Race is] a conversation that’s, especially nowadays, there’s a lot of emotional landmines and I know I’m comfortable having uncomfortable conversations…”

– SPARX interview

Are you interested in finding resources that can help you to continue having age-appropriate conversations about current events with youth?

Are you interested in reading stories of resilience over adversity due to racism and/or xenophobia?

Browse Resource Hub

“I mean, you just have to look around, and as long as your eyes are open and you’re not naive to the fact that other people have struggles too, I think it’s really obvious, you know.”

– SPARX interview

Are you pretty comfortable talking about racism and xenophobia but are always seeking more resources to share?

Browse Resource Hub Explore SPARX Curriculum